Thursday, May 7, 2020

How COVID-19 Affect the Whole World and Daily Life Including India

Amrita Das
Electrical Engineering, 3rd Year

The recent hot news in all news channels is COVID-19. This has shaken the whole world including our country India. This is one of the greatest pandemic disease after AIDS (2005-2012). The virus has spread to more than 150 countries around the world. The disease has taken lives of 259,392 people approximately and 2,238,090 active cases globally. The below graph is showing new cases across the whole world.
As we all know it is a communicable disease and can spread rapidly so we are lockdown in our homes. It has changed our daily life a lot.

Effects on Daily Life 
The fight against Corona virus started On Sunday 22th March, when Indian government had announced “Janata Karfu” and told to stay at home from 7 am to 9 pm. But it bore no fruit and the condition getting deteriorated day by day so the Government bound to declare Lockdown across India and the whole world started following this and declared lockdown to prevent this disease from spreading. The poor people are the worst sufferers during this lockdown period. Although the Government promised to help them supplying daily need items. Colleges and schools became closed and it seems that someone has pressed the pause button to the world. If this condition persists for a long time then we can face food scarcity and economy crisis which is not at all good for future. 

A lockdown can’t last forever. What is the strategy for India? 
The third phase of the lockdown started from 4th May. The green zones comprising of 319 districts are being allowed a whole plethora of social and economic activities. Although significant restrictions are still there in red zones and practically total lockdown in the containment zones. 
At the same time, an all-out effort is being made to contain the disease so that the red zones convert into orange, and orange ones into green. The state governments have been given some guidelines within which they can take decisions and implement the strategy to fight the virus. 
We can’t afford to lose the gains of the lockdown which we earned at a huge cost and slip into a state where unacceptable mortality occurs alongside unacceptable socio-economic cost. 

Way To Move Forward 
We as citizens must be aware to stop the virus moving from one person to the other. We can do that by means of physical distancing; wearing a mask; and an early care should be taken in case of symptoms of cough, fever or respiratory difficulty. We should report immediately to a health care provider for early treatment to protect ourselves, our family and community. Post lockdown de-escalation, it is our collective will, that will determine how we keep the outbreak in check and and simultaneously move on with life. 
Following this we can overcome the disease and can sing “WE SHALL OVER COME”. We have to take care of ourselves. We have to follow the Government precautions to stay fit and healthy. Not only the students of BPPIMT but also the students across the whole world should come forward. We can also help to prevent spreading this disease by staying at home and this is one of the easiest way to save humanity.


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