Friday, April 17, 2020

How Coronavirus Pandemic is changing the way we use and view technology

Abhishek Kumar Gupta
Electrical Engineering, 3rd Year

We are in no doubt amidst a pandemic. World Economies are totally shut and we are totally shut in our homes. But Isolated in our homes doesn’t mean that we have to stay idle , because most technology firms are now operating as most employees are working form their Home comfort.
Now the corona virus is airborne causing Covid19 in patients but it cannot transmit through the internet so as a result, Internet usage is blowing , whereas other manufacturing supply chains are  now totally cutoff from their workforce.
Apple and Google has come to shake hands by using AI and big data mining to help fight corona virus by contact tracing . Scientists in Italy has successfully 3D printed face masks and gloves and other necessary equipment. Speaking of which many manufacturing giants is producing ventilators like General Motors INC and Tesla (the car company). DRDO has developed a clever technique to sustain multiple patients via a single ventilator which is truly worthy of an applause. South Korea has been the most praiseworthy country so far after china of flattening the curve and containing the corona virus as a containing the virus. Their rigorous testing and using mass surveillance techniques helped a lot to trace back the suspected or asymptomatic patients.
The Indian Government has taken a similar measure by launching the Aaraogya setu App to monitor the suspected corona virus victims. Overall it feels like we are in roadway to defeat the Covid19 as a collective species.
Whether or not we the students at the B. P. Poddar Institute of Management & Technology can do to contribute our fight against the Covid19, but all we can do is to follow proper hygiene and other specific Covid19  measures to keep us safe. We students are trying to follow such activities  hence contributing to the greater collective.
We are also suggesting the same to whomever is reading to follow the same principles and also maintain proper hygiene . Eating more vegetables also help us to gain immunity and also some meat will fulfil the purpose.


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