Thursday, April 30, 2020

Technology Against COVID-19

Snehesh Dutta
Electronics and Communication Engineering, 3rd Year 

More than 200 countries and 27-lakhs of confirmed cases have been reported for the corona virus disease from 2019 (COVID19), still now. WHO recognizes this situation as a pandemic on 11th March of 2020, as the virus from Wuhan of China has caused the death of more or less 2-lakhs people, by severe acute respiratory syndrome of Corona virus, all over the world. Getting affected by corona virus has become a nightmare for every human.
This is a zoonotic type of virus which means animals are the career of corona virus and from there it travels to the human body. This virus spreads through the discharge from the nose while an infected person cups or sneezes, so it is very much important that we should not inhale those things, and cover over mouth and nose tightly. In this current situation, there are no vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. so at the current time, the best way to prevent this virus is to stop spreading it. We can take the proper protection of ourselves and others from any infections and by rapidly washing your hands and face.
To fight against this dangerous situation, the government of several countries has declared lockdown for a few months. I personally think that lockdown or home quarantine is a good solution to stop spreading this virus if the people don't die of hunger. Discovery of the vaccine for COVID-19 is the responsibility of medical science, but I think in this case engineering knowledge can also be helpful to support our doctors.
It is the responsibility of every citizen to obey the government orders, as many people are disobeying the lockdown and roaming outside without any cause. Every citizen should keep in mind that he may not be affected by corona virus for his immunity but he may be the medium for spreading the virus to others.
In this type of situation modern technology comes in handy. Being a student of BPPIMT, and spending my 3 years in the field of engineering, I have four solutions by which the government can take action against the people who are violating the lockdown.

1) Implementation of patrolling bots :
It is not possible for police to check whether the people are obeying the lockdown or self Quarantine. The bots will travel through the city and will find the mass gathering of people. After that, the boat will inform the nearest police officer or police van. The bot will also have the ability to remind the citizen to return to their home and to follow the lockdown otherwise police have to take action against them.The bot may be controlled remotely or may be autonomous. It must have a camera and to process the visualization from it for detecting the gathering of people. The bot also has the ability to understand the maps and his path, as well as it must have the specialty to avoid obstacles. So implementation of image or video processing and machine learning will be necessary to build this type of bots.
2) Implementation of thermal sensors:
It is possible to determine the body temperature of a human by a thermal sensor. Most of the time people affected by corona virus get a fever, for this reason, body temperature rises. Using this type of thermal sensor we can easily detect if any person has a fever or not. It will be decided later that the person is having only a fever or is affected by corona virus. We can implement this type of sensor in two ways.
(A) We can implement one stand-alone thermal sensor in the front of every building, shops, or any one-way pedestrian footpath. The sensor will detect the body temperature of every passing person.
(B) We can also implement this type of thermal sensor in the police cap so that it will be easier to suspect any person having a fever or not. While patrolling they can easily detect people's body temperature within a range of approximately 5 to 10 meters.

3) Implementation of drones :
In some cases, if the patrolling bots fail to reach in some areas, the flying drones can handle after that. For a drone, it is faster to travel to check people's awareness in some critical areas. The drone will also have the same ability as the patrolling boats.
4) Implementation of tracker or wristbands : 
It will be a wristband type product having a GPS module in it, which will be definitely waterproof, have a good battery backup, and must be one time lockable. The government can track the people wearing this type of wristband by analyzing big data and can monitor if any people are roaming around any hotspot caused by corona virus, or any place from where confirmed cases have been found. It will be very easy for the government to track the spread of novel corona virus. After being affected with which people the confirmed person was in close contact can also be detected by monitoring the previous records of the person's GPS location, after implementation of this type of bands.

Last but not least, in this current situation, it is also very dangerous to have a test for COVID-19, as the hospitals are also infected. People may be infected from the hospital, though he was not previously infected by corona virus. So we should not visit the hospital if it is not an emergency or very necessary. Still, it's a doubt should we have a test for corona virus or not. 
For a solution of this doubt, me and my friend have created one virtual risk analyzer for COVID-19. Which can predict the chances of being affected by the corona virus. It will ask you some questions, after that the software will analyze your answers, then it will show you the percentage of being affected by corona virus depending upon your answers. If you honestly answer all the questions correctly and the software shows high chances of getting affected by the corona virus, then if possible you should definitely medically test yourself.

Try the virtual risks analyzer from the link below.


How technology merges with medical to stand against COVID19

Debajyoti Dutta
Computer Science & Engineering, 3rd Year
From the start of 2020, we heard more or less about new corona virus COVID-19. And from that situation, this virus took the attention of people all around the world. After that WHO also declared this virus as pandemic. Things are getting worse every day as we saw the deadly face of this virus. Although there is no absolute cure till now, we are trying to prevent this virus from spreading as much as possible. Now let’s talk about how technology may come and take over the pandemic situation.
Now we know the symptoms of the virus like having fever. So, in this reference we may develop a wrist band which will check the body temperature and current location regularly after some interval and if the body temperature is more than normal then the wrist band should send data about the location immediately to the local police station so that they can come and make the person go for the plasma test. Here some additional features may be added such as each person has to provide his name and identity while installing the wrist band and this will be one-time installation so that the person cannot take his device off and if a person does, then an immediate information should be sent to local police.
Again, if we talk about the lockdown then it is very hard to monitor the situation and condition in every place effectively. So, in this case we may use drones for monitoring purposes. Drones may be used to broadcast an emergency message immediately. By using drones, it will be very easy and effective to monitor crowded places and police can take action accordingly.
Preventing and monitoring crowds will be easy if it is possible to attach digital cameras with thermal sensors in street light posts. This may help to test the body temperature of individual people by using the thermal sensor like IR sensor and if someone is found exceeding that temperature or not using a mask, then a photograph of the person’s face is to be taken and sent to the police. It is heard that some Tech Industries of China is already implementing this method such that it can identify a person’s face if that is covered with a mask also.
Now if we focus on medical research, Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role here. With the help of Big Data Analysis and simulations now Medical Professionals can understand more about the virus with ease. It will also help them to find out proper medicines using simulations.
There are some risks for those medical workers who have to work and help the active COVID-19 patient. To mitigate this problem, we may think about some bots (Robots) which may be helpful for the Medical Workers to send medicines, foods and monitor the active COVID-19 patients in Hospitals. This will surely decrease the risk of getting affected with COVID-19 to Medical Workers. In the pandemic situation we may also think about automated or remote-control cars for delivery of essential Commodities between inter cities.
People are very cautious nowadays. Everybody is trying to have a test for Covid19 and this increases load on the hospitals. So, to mitigate this issue, we may think about making a Virtual Risk Analyzer through which people have to answer some basic questions and get the chances or risk of getting affected by COVID-19. And if he gets a higher risk value, then he may go for the actual test in Hospital. This will surely help to decrease the load in hospitals.
The COVID-19 has been a threatening global health emergency relative to the previous big outbreak of SARS epidemics. Researchers, scientists and medical specialists concentrate on using emergent digital technology to break the virus. With the migration of technologies into medical services we may fight and win the battle against COVID-19.
#Artificial Intelligence

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Technology To The Rescue

Anshuman Swaroop Das
Computer Science & Engineering, 4th Year

Technology is being cultivated and harnessed to overcome and to sort of fight against the Corona virus outbreak in the world which began in Wuhan, China. It's pretty impressive knowing that there's some really interesting ways how modern technology can be used to fight the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Airports and cities under lockdown can install thermal scanners at tactical spots that can scan people for high temperatures as a part of mass fever screening system. Thermal imaging cameras capture heat emitted by objects and not visible light like regular cameras. As people pass through the camera’s FOV, hotter areas look brighter on the screen since these cameras are capable of capturing temperature differences as small as 0.1 °C. If the cameras capture someone with a high temperature then health authorities could conduct a screening for the virus.
Drones can be used for remote surveillance and also to disinfect by spraying chlorine or ethanol alcohol-based disinfectants. Thus, authorities will be able to cover large areas dramatically quicker than traditional spraying methods with reduced risk to workers who would otherwise spend more time potentially exposed to both the virus and the disinfectants. Drones as well as an unmanned station can be used as a solution to transport medical samples and quarantine materials between multiple hospitals, it's automatic and unmanned operation can significantly reduce the potential contact between samples and workers in the transportation process and also improve the delivery speed. 
Robots equipped with thermal and HD cameras with facial recognition can help in screening, delivering medicines to doctors, nurses and infected patients, delivering food and essential supplies to people forced under lockdown making social distancing easier. UVC light is part of the ultraviolet light spectrum and emits a high frequency of UV light that makes it extremely effective at killing bacteria viruses, mold and other pathogens. UVC robots can be used in hospitals to disinfect air, water, surfaces and operating rooms. The concept of germ killing Robots can be applied inside airplanes which can carry disease causing germs across continents.
Artificial Intelligence can be used as a predictive warning system which includes language processing and Machine Learning to track this corona virus by analyzing thousands of web articles in several languages every day. This data can help hospitals and governments about the potential presence and spread of this disease in an area. They can even track other data such as traveler itinerary information, location and medicine purchases on smartphones in order to identify potential sick people and additional clues about the spread of the virus.
Coronavirus Mapping Apps can be deployed that show the locations of confirmed and suspected cases of the virus in real-time, in an effort to make it easier for people to avoid the danger areas. They can also show live government data including epidemic control checkpoints and traffic arrangements. There can be Apps that can let its users check if they're nearby or traveled by plane/train with someone who has come in contact with the virus.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Semi-Annual AI Tracker-The Economic Solution

Ankita Chowdhury
Computer Science & Engineering, 1st Year

IDC recommends IT professionals all across the globe, to use the newly developed technology-“Worldwide Semi-annual AI Tracker", which is built using modern technologies - AI, Big-Data, Block-chain and Data Science. It is a comprehensive data tool that helps IT professionals, business executives and economists share and forecast information on all major cognitive markets and industrial platforms.
The tracker is built on the strong foundation of IDC's Vendor Product and Market Modeling Methodology, coupled with its extensive and strong worldwide(WAN) and local(LAN) area network,across the globe, ensuring that market competition and opportunities are represented nearest to reality. AI tracker is especially of prime importance during this lock-down period due to the pandemic COVID-19, as more people connect globally to work-from-home, which requires securing data from cyber-threats.

Core Technologies Platforms where AI Tracker is being used, are as follows:-

  • Server
  • Storage
  • AI Software Platforms
  • AI Applications
  • IT services
  • Business services

Prime locations of  Usage of AI Tracker are as follows:-   

  • Asia
  • Canada 
  • Central and Eastern Europe
  • Japan
  • South America
  • Middle East and Africa   
  • PRC
  • United States 
  • Western Europe

Industrial mapping and forecasts, made by the AI Tracker are projected for five years, in an annual form. This data tool is of great help, to reduce the rate of economic-slowdown, in the international market during lock down, prevalent in major industrial sectors, right now, all over the world. This tool performs predictive actions, promotes personalized client interaction by real-time processing and provide a user-friendly platform.
AI Tracker can be further updated, with the help of highly developed software programs to be used for more efficient data-handling, in near future.




Saturday, April 18, 2020

Can we protect ourselves from Corona?

Isheeta Agrawal
Computer Science & Engineering, 1st Year

A very common question in the minds of majority of people in the world nowadays is that 'Is there any way through which we can protect ourselves from Corona virus?' The answer to this very important question is 'Yes', the attack by corona virus can not only be prevented but also defeated as well by Yoga and Pranayam and along with that maintaining some measures such as social distancing and self-quarantine.
It is found that corona virus gets into a person's body, replicates itself and severely attacks the person's lungs. At first the immunity of the person fights with it, if it is enough the virus becomes ineffective and the person just becomes carrier of the virus but if the immunity is unable to resist the virus then it affects the respiratory system and interferes in the breathing process. Thus we find that a person must have a good immunity system and strong respiratory system to fight against corona. For that Yoga & Pranayama is the best solution. Pranayama basically consists of different ways and stages of inhaling and exhaling which helps us strengthen our lungs, heart and the nervous system. Along with that it helps us maintain our psychological and spiritual health and provides us with mental peace which is definitely required to cope up with this very situation. It activates all the cells of our body and helps build immunity. Along with pranayama, yoga keeps us physically fit and helps retain flexibility of body and maintain our physique. Another importance of yoga is that it maintains all our internal organs, muscles and bones and makes our body stronger to fight and resist antibodies. Hence, yoga and pranayama gives a very effective way for protecting ourselves and defeating corona.
Apart from yoga and pranayama another way to deal with this deadly virus is self-quarantine, by staying at home and not going out unless extremely required and if there is a need to go outside then must use a mask and maintain social distancing that is a person should not come in physical contact with others. If a person unknowingly comes in physical contact with an infected person(carrier) who himself doesn't know about his infection then the person coming in contact with him might himself get infected if not properly sanitized. Hence, proper hygiene must also be maintained and hands should be washed properly and frequently.
To all the readers I would suggest not to panic or get tensed or frightened. Keep calm do yoga & pranayama, stay at home and maintain social distancing. Be optimistic and be patient till the vaccines arrive as after that corona virus will be compelled to leave our world and our daily schedule will resume. 


Friday, April 17, 2020

How Coronavirus Pandemic is changing the way we use and view technology

Abhishek Kumar Gupta
Electrical Engineering, 3rd Year

We are in no doubt amidst a pandemic. World Economies are totally shut and we are totally shut in our homes. But Isolated in our homes doesn’t mean that we have to stay idle , because most technology firms are now operating as most employees are working form their Home comfort.
Now the corona virus is airborne causing Covid19 in patients but it cannot transmit through the internet so as a result, Internet usage is blowing , whereas other manufacturing supply chains are  now totally cutoff from their workforce.
Apple and Google has come to shake hands by using AI and big data mining to help fight corona virus by contact tracing . Scientists in Italy has successfully 3D printed face masks and gloves and other necessary equipment. Speaking of which many manufacturing giants is producing ventilators like General Motors INC and Tesla (the car company). DRDO has developed a clever technique to sustain multiple patients via a single ventilator which is truly worthy of an applause. South Korea has been the most praiseworthy country so far after china of flattening the curve and containing the corona virus as a containing the virus. Their rigorous testing and using mass surveillance techniques helped a lot to trace back the suspected or asymptomatic patients.
The Indian Government has taken a similar measure by launching the Aaraogya setu App to monitor the suspected corona virus victims. Overall it feels like we are in roadway to defeat the Covid19 as a collective species.
Whether or not we the students at the B. P. Poddar Institute of Management & Technology can do to contribute our fight against the Covid19, but all we can do is to follow proper hygiene and other specific Covid19  measures to keep us safe. We students are trying to follow such activities  hence contributing to the greater collective.
We are also suggesting the same to whomever is reading to follow the same principles and also maintain proper hygiene . Eating more vegetables also help us to gain immunity and also some meat will fulfil the purpose.
